
Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages 2.0

Jakarta Debugging Support for Other Languages provides a mechanism by which programs executed under the Java virtual machine but written in languages other than the Java programming language, can be debugged with references to the original source (for example, source file and line number references).

New features, enhancements or additions

  • Moved to the jakarta.* namespace

Removals, deprecations or backwards incompatible changes

  • None

Minimum Java SE Version

Java SE 8 or higher


Compatible Implementations


Plan Review

This Specification Project’s Plan Review was covered by the Jakarta EE 9 Plan Review.
Please reference that ballot for the official results.

Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2020-10-20 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara no vote
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members no vote
Scott (Congquan) Wang Enterprise Members +1
Total 8

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list
