
Jakarta Context Dependency Injection 4.0

Jakarta Contexts Dependency Injection specifies a means for obtaining objects in such a way as to maximize reusability, testability and maintainability compared to traditional approaches such as constructors, factories, and service locators (e.g., JNDI).

New features, enhancements or additions

  • Splits the CDI core into Lite and Full. Lite contains a subset of original features which are designed to work in more restricted environments
  • A new jakarta.enterprise:jakarta.enterprise.lang-model API artifact has been added for the Build Compatible (Reflection-Free)
  • Java Platform Module System(JPMS) module-info.class files have been added to the CDI API artifacts

Removals, deprecations or backwards incompatible changes

  • The bean-discovery-mode attribute default to annotated and to use annotated as the default when an empty beans.xml is seen in a deployment

Minimum Java SE Version

Java SE 11 or higher


Compatible Implementations


Release Review

The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2022-04-19 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Tom Watson, Emily Jiang IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage Payara +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe no vote
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Jun Qian Enterprise Members +1
Zhai Luchao Enterprise Members +1
Total 9

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list

Plan Review

This Specification Project’s Plan Review was covered by the CDI 4.0 Plan Review.
The Specification Committee Ballot concluded successfully on 2021-10-01 with the following results.

Representative Representative for: Vote
Kenji Kazumura Fujitsu +1
Dan Bandera, Kevin Sutter IBM +1
Ed Bratt, Dmitry Kornilov Oracle +1
Andrew Pielage, Matt Gill Payara +1
Scott Stark, Mark Little Red Hat +1
David Blevins, Jean-Louis Monteiro Tomitribe +1
Ivar Grimstad EE4J PMC +1
Marcelo Ancelmo, Martijn Verburg Participant Members +1
Werner Keil Committer Members +1
Dr. Jun Qian Enterprise Members +1
Total 10

The ballot was run in the jakarta.ee-spec mailing list
